When you file an injury claim with an insurance company, an adjuster will analyze your claim and recommend or reject settlement. A good personal injury attorney can explain some of the more common ways adjusters may analyze your claim. A good personal injury lawyer will be able to represent you and present the best evidence to support your claim.
The Adjuster’s View on Lawsuits
You may hope all your personal injury lawyer needs to do is threaten to sue and a settlement check will be forthcoming. This is rarely the case. Insurance companies do not fear lawsuits. To the contrary, an adjuster is unlikely to settle a case with questionable liability. If the company believes it has a strong defense, they will gladly take the case to court rather than earn a reputation as being “soft.” As your personal injury attorney will explain, any insurance company that settles cases just avoid litigation will soon be out of business.
The Adjuster’s View on File Turnover
Without a doubt, insurance adjusters often faces a heavy workload with increasingly high numbers of case files. However, your personal injury lawyer will not expect a quick and easy turnover to motivate the adjuster to settle if they feel your claim has questionable value. The adjuster will not settle a claim for more than it’s worth just to close your file and risk job security. As your personal injury attorney knows, often, the adjuster will actually welcome your lawsuit since it will allow him to transfer your case to a defense lawyer and get it off of his desk.
The Adjuster’s View on Supervisor Approval
Insurance adjusters must answer to company supervisors. They do not make settlement decisions alone. Your personal injury lawyer knows that your adjuster must justify any settlement recommendation to his or her boss. The company will require adequate supporting documentation for your claim as well as solid evidence of liability (who was at fault for the accident). Without that justification, settlement is unlikely if not impossible. Your personal injury attorney can discuss what proof is needed and help you prepare and package your documentation for the adjuster.
For Skilled and Experienced Legal Representation For experienced legal advice in dealing with insurance adjusters, contact personal injury attorneys with the background and experience in dealing with your type of claim. If you have been injured, you may be able to gain compensation. Call an accident lawyer you can trust for more information.