If you’ve been charged with an offense, you need an experienced and qualified DUI attorney on your side to help represent you and guide you through the legal process. If you are innocent of the charges, you may think that is all you need to slide through the system, arriving safely on the other side unscathed. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t work that way. Good people wind up entangled in the system every day and without a good lawyer to fight for their rights, they could wind up facing punishments they don’t deserve. But whether you’re innocent or guilty, you have the right to be heard in court and you deserve proper legal counsel.
Intoxication charges can often mean more than fines or even jail time. They often mean the revocation of your driving privileges that in turn can mean loss of income. You can see how one charge can easily send your life spiraling down the drain. It is for these reasons why it is so vital to make sure you have a good DUI attorney by your side.
If it can be helped, you should contact one before speaking to the police. Obviously, you will have talked briefly with the cops upon your arrest, but you don’t have to give them any more information after that. As they say in the warning, anything you say can and will be used against you. Don’t think for a minute that you can talk your way out of trouble.
What many people don’t realize is that a number of driving errors can potentially lead to a DUI or DWI arrest. A qualified DUI attorney can get to the bottom of the story and make sure that all of the relevant information comes out in a way that will influence both a judge and a jury. Perhaps the weather conditions were to blame for your erratic driving. Perhaps you are taking medication that you didn’t realize would affect you in the way that it did.
No one is trying to make excuses for driving drunk. It is a dangerous thing to do and many lives have been cost as a result of these actions. However, that doesn’t mean that the legal system should be subverted in an attempt to crack down on offenses. Everyone is entitled to his or her rights.
Police and prosecutors will often try to pressure offenders into pleading guilty and saving the state time and money when it comes to trying the case. If you have a leg to stand on; however, you may be better off fighting the charges. Consult a good DUI attorney and make sure your rights are upheld.
A Macon dui attorney can help you fight for your innocence. To learn more, visit: