Is The Law Of Attraction Selfish

Lee and I were in front of a group of corporate employees who would have much rather been spending this time sitting at their computers or having an afternoon break. We had been asked to come in and speak.

Their employer said they needed an attitude adjustment. The employees were bickering, not working together, and stepping on each others’ necks to get to what they thought was the top. The employer was a family man who had come from very little money and had built a business that was successful enough to now have over a hundred employees. “They’re great at their work but they lack any sense of team work or love. I would settle for ‘like’ if they could work together.”

So he hired Lee and I to come in and teach a little about the law of attraction, and how it works. It was a tough crowd at first; no one asking questions, a lot of clearing of throats, but as the afternoon wore on, one or two became interested, then six, seven, followed by most of the crowd. They began firing questions at us, right and left.

“How does the law of attraction affect my relationship with my mother?” “How does the law of attraction help me with my car?”
“Can the law of attraction help with my health?”
“You mean I can work at a job I love and make money at the same time?”

The question and answer period went on for some time. I don’t know about Lee, but I felt the next question coming. It was from a gentleman of about thirty-six years old. “Aw c’mon! The Law of Attraction is a selfish law. It makes you only think of yourself. Selfish! What do you say to that?” The room was dead silent. Everyone wanted to hear the answer.

Lee and I had heard this comment before, usually from the same kind of person: a hard nosed reporter type who always seems to contradict anything that doesn’t fit into his world.

Lee took the question this time. Lee slowly smiled. “Sir, what do you want out of life?” The reporter bellowed back at Lee, “Just answer my question.”
“I am answering your question. But first, what do you want out of the life? What would you do with life if you had it all? Where would you go tomorrow if you didn’t have to work?”

“I would go fishing. So?” he snarled, in a bid to antagonize Lee.

“Why would you go fishing?” Lee baited.

“Makes me happy. Would you answer my question?” the “reporter” demanded impatiently.

“Makes you happy Sir, that is the Law of Attraction. Being happy with your life is not selfish. The Law of Attraction works whether you believe it or not. When you are aware of the Law of Attraction, and you start focusing on your “wants” and not your “don’t wants,” all you are seeking is happiness. If you are happy, then your spouse will be happy, if your family is happy, you will be happy, and if you are happy then your boss will be happy and so on and so on. So being happy with life, which is the ultimate goal in applying the law of attraction, is not selfish. So many people will benefit from your happiness, and when those people are happy it just keeps spreading. So Sir, if fishing makes you happy, does that make you selfish? I don’t believe it does. applying the law of attraction is the least selfish thing that anyone can do.”

The audience gave Lee a standing ovation and the “reporter” sat down.

When you think and feel what you want, and pay less attention to what you don’t want, this will bring you situations and people in your life that will make you happy. Being happy isn’t selfish. Being happy will help everyone around you.

The ultimate goal is to live your life and be happy while doing it. Wanting to get up in the morning when your job feels like play, and enjoying life exactly as you want your life to be through the Law of Attraction. That isn’t the pursuit of happiness; it is the realization of happiness.