Divorce is a problem faced by several couples around the world. It is result of wrong decisions taken by the couples involved or misunderstandings caused by lack of trust between partners. There are several problems which both of persons involved in a divorce face in their life before and after that. However, it does not mean divorce is always bad. There are situations where divorce is the only solution to all problems between two partners, and only after splitting up most of those problems can be solved.
If there is no more trust in holy relation of marriage, then the charm, harmony and enthusiasm of relation is vanished. The reason behind lack of trust can be an extra marital affair or lack of care and responsibility for each other. Here we need to focus over the reasons causing extra marital affairs. There can be more than one possible reason:
1. When the decision of marriage was against wishes of either or both the partners. In that case a sense of dissatisfaction is always there, in some cases the care and affection shown by any one of the partners removes this sense of dissatisfaction and makes the relation harmonious. But in other cases, the problem increases with time, and at a point in life the relation becomes unbearable, where solution is divorce only.
2. There are some cases where couples give more priority to their individual careers; in that case marriage becomes less prioritized responsibility for them. They take marriage as a hindrance in path of their blooming career, somewhere its true too. Divorce can be a solution for them which can be helpful in attaining their career goals.
3. Love relations before marriage is also a decision factor, when people don’t get their dream love as life partner, and they meet him/her after marriage, in such cases old love becomes more closer and important for them. No doubt their dream partner can be more understanding and loving for them than their current partner. So, people involved with a marriage take decision of separation with mutual agreement.
There are other situations too where separation is the most suitable solution for all problems in a relation.