About The Lemon Law For Cars Who To Consult

Almost everyone knows how frustrating it is when you buy something new and it does not perform as expected. Since many people depend upon their cars everyday to get them from Point A to Point B, a car that does not work is not only exasperating but inconvenient. If you have a vehicle that isnt performing up to par, you may have a lemon. There is protection for consumers in this case. In the United States, the lemon law for cars covers such a contingency. It is simply a matter of finding out whether you and your vehicle qualify under the legislation.

Finding Information on the Lemon Laws for Cars

When it comes to finding information about the Lemon Laws in America, you can consult several sources. You need, of course, to be aware of the two different types of lemon laws that could be applicable in your case: federal and state. The federal government has its own lemon law. This is the MagnusonMoss Warranty Act. Yet, most individuals tend to rely on the lemon law for cars of their won state. This creates a problem. The laws for each state differ sometimes infinitesimally, but they do have differences.

Take the coverage in terms of how long the car has been in the shop requiring repairs and/or replacement parts. In New Jersey, the lemon law states they will cover a car that has been shop bound for 20 days. In California and Pennsylvania, the minimum period is 30 days. Other characteristics of the act may be more subtle. You can find the lemon law for cars on the internet. Several sites provide the basic information. Check to affirm their credibility. State legislative and vehicle-related sites may contain the specific information you require. They can quote the legislation or provide you with an overview. This may be enough to help you at the beginning.

Talk to a Lemon Law Lawyer

Yet, it is usually not enough to simply look at the lemon law for cars for your state. You need to be able to understand the fine points. This is one reason why you might need to talk to a lawyer. A specialist in this field can help you be aware of the exactly what the law requires and demands of you and your car before it can accept your case under the lemon law. Moreover, a lemon law lawyer is able to sort through the fine print of your warranty, talk to the relevant parties and get to the heart of the matter. He or she is also there to guide you through the process and help you if the manufacturer, through the dealership, decides to put up a fight.

Looking To Connecticut For Lemon Law Success

If we want to see the effectiveness of the Lemon Law, we need look no further than the state of Connecticut. In early October 2012, the Connecticut Car Lemon Law celebrated its 30th anniversary. And it did so with some pretty impressive numbers.

For instance, since its inception, the Lemon Law managed to return upwards of $60 million to Connecticut cat buyers in the form of refunds and replacement vehicles. Connecticut was the first state to ever pass the Lemon Law and very soon after that, many other states across the US followed suit.

It was a benchmark law for US consumers because up until that point, car buyers were only able to hold car dealerships accountable for faulty vehicles; meanwhile, car manufacturers were asked to hold no responsibility. Of course, Lemon Laws put a stop to this and freed car buyers of the hassle of spending time and money in courts as they sought recourse. After Lemon Laws began to take effect, it was the car manufacturer that had to answer to and solve the problems of defective parts and equipment.

Connecticut made sure the public knew about the power a Lemon Law could bring to them as consumers. It was quickly understood that refunds and resources to help those that had suffered from faulty cars did not exist, the Connecticut Public Interest Research Group (ConnPIRG) put their full support being the bill, written into action at the time by Representative Woodcock. A media spectacle was made of the law, including a press conference where lemonade (called “lemon aide” at the conference) to clue the public in to the issue.

The result? Support came from far and wide, including a large portion of bi-partisan majorities in the House and Senate. It was a landmark in consumer protection, one that continues to save people headaches and unnecessarily spent money today.

The sad thing is that many people assume that there is no recourse to be had when they purchase a faulty vehicle. But with Lemon Laws in place all around the country, there is help. if you feel that you have a lemon situation on your hands, look into what you need to do in order to file a lemon law claim in your state.

Connecticut is just one example of how the Lemon Law has worked for the public and it’s important to learn from the past, particularly when it comes to consumer protection.