Usafis Green Card Lottery For Permanent Us Immigration

Every year almost 50,000 official green cards are issued by the United States Diversity Program. The US immigrants can receive Visa or Green Card through a program called the USAFIS. Through this program a lottery is organized whose winners receive the living and working permit in America.
The Diversity Program of Green card Lottery program is a very easy way to get VISA USA. The selection procedure is random. If you have successfully registered on the USAFIS site and all the information you provided has marked you eligible for the program you could be the one winning a US Green card. The best part is that the immigration you receive through this procedure is permanent and much easier than other permanent immigration procedures which are extremely complex to undergo.
The eligibility criterion to participate in the USAFIS Lottery Program is exclusively based on the country of your birth. To apply for this lottery you must register online. Your registration procedure would require you to submit certain necessary documents. If you win the Green card lottery you will very soon receive a flight ticket to the United States. To know if you are eligible to participate in this program, you can visit the official USAFIS website and fill in details such as country of birth, educational qualification and employment status.
Only the American State Department sites can conduct this program on the web. The applications for participating in this program are only granted through web. You cannot use the physical mail services to send in your entries. The USAFIS org is the best place to participate in this green card lottery as they give you some edge over the other sites. Through these sites married couples have a higher chance of winning, which means on winning you can settle in US along with your spouse. Filling in the internet registration form on this website is extremely convenient. The site is approved by the Congress and is a part of the Official United States Government program.
In case you are born in a country that is not listed in the eligible countries you might not get a chance to enroll in this program. But you may receive this opportunity if either of your parents were born in any of the countries that are stated in the list of eligible countries. In that case you would be signing in as a native. Providing false information can disqualify you from the procedure altogether.

An Immigration Lawyer in New York of the Best Immigration Law Firm Save from being Ripped

Portray a scene, you logged on to your email account and discovered that your inbox highlighting an unread email from an unknown address stating that, -Congratulations, your application for Diversity Visa Lottery is approved and you need to send some money to the mentioned details.- The first line you mutter out will be, -Oh my God! Is it real?-, and without confirming anything, you will swipe your credit card of the bank in New York for the payment. After few days, on ringing the concerned authorities in New York City, you will be pulled out of an illusion and this time your lines will be, -why the hell, I did not checked this thing with an immigration lawyer New York from a best immigration law firm?-

Diversity Visa Lottery program, for which millions of dreamers try their luck, but only few of them are lucky enough to bag a Green Card. Irrefutably, getting a USA Green Card is something for which, people are ready to pay any price and are on their toes to do anything. Instead of acting like a wise goose, they behave like a stupid nerd and become an easy target of scammers.

The only solution to bridle fake lawyers bragging about their so-called best immigration law firm is -awareness’. One must consider below mentioned important tips extracted from a magazine article of an immigration lawyer New York law offices –

No approval emails from state department: To end all confusions, from the year 2012 onwards, candidates are advised to check their application status on the DV lottery website as State Department announced himself free from all responsibilities of notifying qualified candidates.

Keep a close look on website’s domain: In any case, if applicant receives any email from State Department, one should check the suffix of the sender, does that have or not. It is advised that the visa department never use any other website for its DV program besides

Do not pay anything to anyone for DVP: This Diversity visa lottery program is free of cost, and government of United States charges nothing for the visa. On submitting your interest for this program, you will be acknowledged with a unique confirmation code. Therefore, if anyone asks you pay anything, consider him a scammer who want to puncture your wallet

You won’t get more or before luck: The selection criterion is unique, applications are selected on a random basis and there is no such tactics to enhance success chances. If anyone promises you so, mean he is beating you around bushes.

Therefore, do not trust anyone whose promises are full of hot air, and always let your case to be handled by an immigration lawyer New York working for a best immigration law firm.