Normally, when you think of the potential situations in which you would need lawyers, the image of a mug shot and the back of a police car comes to mind. A person who finds themselves in some sort of criminal trouble most likely does need legal representation, but there are many other times in life in which a person might need legal counsel.
It can be difficult to know if you need legal representation. Of course, the need is more obvious and pressing in certain situations than in others. Other than instances in which you are charged with a crime, you will also need representation if you are ever served with a lawsuit, or if you have been involved in an accident where someone was injured or property was damaged. Lawyers can also be necessary if your familial status is changing-if you are involved in a divorce, if you are adopting a child, or in the event of a birth or a death. You could also need legal representation is if there is a change in your financial status, like filing for bankruptcy, losing or acquiring valuable property, or in a real estate transaction.
Then, of course, there are some instances when it is unclear whether or not lawyers are necessary. In most cases, it is better to at least have an initial consultation with an attorney so you can better understand what, if any, legal implications could arise. It is often wise to seek out legal advice first, paying a small fee, rather than facing a potentially disastrous situation, which could cost you a huge amount of money in legal representation and other costs.
If you are unfamiliar with the role of lawyers, you could have some question about the basics of hiring an attorney to represent you. Lawyers are expected to both uphold the laws of their jurisdiction and to protect the rights and interests of their clients. They are also responsible for making sure that their client has a clear understanding of their legal rights and their options, as well as resolving their clients’ needs to the best of their abilities and in an ethical manner. An attorney may not spend the majority of their time assisting you in court. A lawyer may be able to assist you by simply reaching out to any other parties involved in your case. Or, they may conduct extensive amounts of research on your case to better define your legal positioning.
Still unsure if you need to contact an attorney? Lawyers in Lansing, MI are here to assist you. Turn to Fraser Trebilcock for legal counsel. .