Best Tampa Divorce Lawyer – Best Divorce Attorney in Tampa

Tampa Divorce Lawyers and Divorce Attorneys- Free Guide

Today’s Question: Can you file for a divorce without a lawyer?
Divorce is an expensive, life altering experience. Hiring a lawyer is VERY expensive. While we don’t recommend it, it is possible for you to do it yourself. If you have no assets or children this may be an avenue you want to explore.

1. A good place to start is by visiting your local clerk of court website. Search by the name of your city and state and clerk of court. Their website will be able to tell you what forms need to be filed out in most instances.
2. Fill out all the paper work. Have your spouse served with the divorce papers.
3. Your Sheriff’s office will do this for a fee.
4. File the paperwork with the court
Don’t let the 4 steps fool you. This is a huge task and should be taken very seriously.

Some things to think about before you decide to file your own divorce:
-Does your spouse have a lawyer or attorney?
-Are there substantial financial assets involved?
-Are children involved?
-Are you concerned about your safety?
-Was your divorce due to some form of abuse?
-Is your Ex vindictive?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions then it is recommended you hire an experienced attorney to ensure that your interest, if not your children’s, is protected.

If I can give you one piece of advice: You and your spouse may be on good terms right now, but please make sure you understand from a legal perspective everything you are doing and signing. Their good humor could always change in the future and you want to make sure nothing can come back to hurt you. Simply trusting your spouse or ex-spouse to do right thing can often cause you a lot of heartache.

Our free guide will help you choose the best family law attorney in Tampa, FL or anywhere else.

Make sure you get The Best Divorce Lawyer Available and avoid a traumatic and overly-expensive divorce by making an informed decision.

Get more information NOW! Go to:

This guide should not substitute for legal advice from a law professional.

Be Legally Ready To Face Any Personal Injury Case

A personal injury lawyer is one who handles cases relating to any injury caused to an individual in person, property, rights or reputation. Such injuries could happen at work, in a traffic accident, because of a faulty product or a faulty repair, because of a mistake during medical treatment, or because you slipped and fell on a wet floor or pavement. The personal injury can be physical or psychological but, to be considered actionable, it must occur due to the negligence or unreasonably unsafe actions of your employer, a manufacturer, your doctor, your landlord, or some other person or organization who owes you a duty of ordinary care.

There are many guidelines that help you make the right choice and we are glad to share a few here. Before you go for any legal consultation make sure you keep all your documents ready. The most important ones are enlisted below: :

1. Copies of police reports or accident reports detailing your injury

2. Copies of hospital, doctor and therapy records

3. Bills from medical care providers

4. Information regarding insurance coverage of your medical bills

5. Reports from doctors regarding your diagnosis and prognosis

6. Information about anticipated future medical costs

For the right choice when it comes to personal injury lawyers, you need to keep some factors in mind. As you will not have a lot of time, try to go for referrals from known people like friends or family or family lawyers. One needs to find out a few statistical data before finalizing on his or her lawyer since personal injury is a sensitive aspect and you will be spending a lot of money once you sign him or her. You need to know the success statistics of the personal injury lawyer like how many trials he or she has taken up and how many have been won.

Details like how long he or she has been in practice and whether he or she usually represents injured people or defendants. Find out your options and the type of experts your lawyer will use to prove your case. Determine the time limit also called as statute of limitations by which you must settle the case or file a lawsuit.

In Florida, for example, you have the Hudson Law Office, which provides you with personal injury lawyers. They operate all over Florida with branches in Bradenton, Key West and Sarasota, FL. The presence of qualified juris doctors will help you achieve the best you want out of the situation that you or your dear one could be in. So anytime you are around Sarasota, FL and in need of a lawyer in a case of personal injury, you know what to do.

I am an author providing information regarding personal injury law. For more information on personal injury lawyer Sarasota, FL, You can visit